Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Blog Links

I've now finished linking all of your blogs to to this page over the last few days.  Make sure I found the preferred landing page and send me any changes.  A few folks are still working on some privacy settings, and at least one person's blog may have to remain private for work reasons.   

I chose to wait until the middle of the course because in past years I shared everything early, and all blogs looked a lot alike.  I am very happy with the diverse approaches you've taken, and I see 4 different platforms and 10 different templates.  Feel free to comment on each others posts.  And after learning from others, also know you can update any of your own assignments and blog posts any time.  Of course, if you go by a name other than what appears in Canvas (e.g., James vs. Jim), please tell me to fix that too.

Monday, June 25, 2018

Assignment 11 - 1:1 Calls with Instructor

Related image

The phone call link has been inserted into Assignment 11.  Available times are between July 8 and July 20.

Pick one, and contact me if you need to reschedule.   I can also be available during the holiday week (just ask), but did not want to make anyone feel obliged.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

A cool way to see some remote areas

If you're like me, you've wished for a way to bike along the railroads along rivers.

Monday, June 18, 2018

Canvas restored, but....

not everyone has been restored to the course.  I'm going through one-by-one.  Don't sweat tonight's "deadlines". 

If we also discover missing projects/assignments that weren't already on your blogs/wikis, we'll figure that out together.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Canvas is Down - June 15, 3pm

I'm letting you know that I am aware of the Canvas problems.  It is a university-wide problem and it has affected all of you (and me).

I cannot access my own course (or roster, or list of assignments, etc), so I'm building an alternative platform for the interim, and perhaps we'll stick with that.

Hang in there.


Thursday, June 14, 2018

Augmented Reality - Watersheds and More

Last summer our H-B Woodlawn and Yorktown high school interns Ben, Bryan, Alex and Eddy built an augmented reality sandbox with one of long-time favorite teachers Carey Pollock and some great folks from NoVa Labs (retired engineers Nick Carter and Sharon Dempsey).  The NoVa Labs folks built their own the following semester.

Carey aimed even higher, developing a plan with a detailed budget that could be replicated by teachers confidently.  She also applied for funding from the Falls Church Education Fund, which always seems receptive to integrated science and technology learning projects. 

Carey's students finished this week.

Friday, June 8, 2018

CBF - Mid-Atlantic Summer teaching Workshops

Chesapeake Bay Foundation
Virginia, Maryland, DC and Pennsylvania Summer Workshops

Professional Learning—Summer Courses


Join us for a five-day professional learning adventure on the Chesapeake Bay or one of its tributaries in summer 2018. CBF is offering more than 30 courses that will explore the mountains of Virginia, the rivers of Pennsylvania, the islands of the Bay, and many places in between. Learn how to integrate the environment into your classroom and to help your students achieve environmental literacy success. 
Registration for summer 2018 is open.