Welcome to the Summer 2018 Biodiversity Course. This is a project-based course in which you'll develop real-world products you will be proud of. I'm eager to help throughout, and in any way necessary.
Here are some important things to consider:
1. All work and documentation you produce can be updated throughout the semester. By August 9, I hope to help you refine all that you've done throughout the semester as much as possible, but please don't feel constricted or frustrated by the due dates in Canvas. You'll always be able to update your products.
2. Very quickly, you will know much more about your study area than I possibly can. This course is about Stewardship, and we'll regularly be relying on you to tell us what is most important to know about your study area. I will provide a framework of tools and learning opportunities/activities, some regular and some irregular feedback (and occasionally very detailed and extensive feedback) and you'll do the rest. Don't get hung up on grades. It's my job to make you successful in deserving an A for the course.
3. You can call or email anytime. If you don't get a reply to your message in 24 hours (or need help more urgently), please call again. 571-482-8298 or JimE@vt.edu I teach most weekdays between 9:30 and 2pm, but otherwise am available. (You're always welcome to come by my teaching Lab at the Falls Church campus.)
4. I am flexible and forgiving as an instructor, employer, spouse, dog trainer, etc., because I am far from perfect. Feel free to point out my mistakes so I can make fixes quickly. Thanks!
Important shortcuts:
- Course Syllabus
- Modules page, which is very similar to the Assignment List
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